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Welcome, my name is Adele Almeida and I am a Yoga Teacher and Spiritual Healer with over 15 years of experience studying and working within the Spiritual arena.

My background includes Diploma of Energetic Healing, Reiki Master, Crystal Healing Vibrational Therapist, Meditation Teacher,  700+ hours Yoga Teacher Training (conducted in Australia and India) and have studied in a number of Self Mastery and Mystery Schools.

I have trained with teachers within Australia and have travelled internationally to spend time with different teachers and healers in India, South America and Bali.

I have a deep passion for the healing and evolution of a Soul’s  journey. Working with the ability to connect to the medicine of the Earth as well as the gift of attuning to the realms beyond the physical dimension.

If you are looking for support and healing with a current or ongoing issue, condition, ailment or simply looking for guidance towards a current life challenge, please do not hesitate to contact me on the 'Contact Form' below.

Sessions are conducted online via Skype, phone or remote distant healing sessions are also available.


Soul Healing Sessions

Energy Healing Sessions - $250

Energy Healing sessions include various techniques to tune into your energy field to ascertain what the underlining issue, block or pattern is to your current enquiry. Sessions are created for the individual and as such are unique every time to cater for what is arising currently and needing to be addressed and healed back to a space of peace, harmony and LOVE.

Energy Healing Sessions -  Remote Distant Session - $150

These sessions are conducted remotely and you do not have to be present for the session. After filling out the Client Form and answering a few written questions  - I will tune into your energy to offer healing and support. You will receive a written outline of what was received during the session.  These sessions are just as powerful as a phone or face to face Skype session and can be received at a time suitable for you i.e. - in the evening after work, where you can simply lay in bed and receive the healing deeply without any interruption. 

Sattva Yoga - $175

Sattva Yoga is an integrated approach to yoga, created by Master Anand Mehrotra in Rishikesh, India.  Sattva Yoga's roots come from Kriya Yoga -   the Babaji Lineage of Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography Of A Yogi)  and has been created and specifically designed through Anand Mehrotra.  The teachings of Sattva Yoga are based on Vedic and Tantric knowledge and wisdom. 

The practice incorporates different facets of yoga creating a wholistic approach to yoga and these include Kriya techniques, Pranayama, Asana, Meditation and Wisdom talks. The beauty and gift of a multi faceted practice is that it works well beyond the physical body, as it also encompasses the mind, emotions and spirit. In all the years of studying and healing, I  personally, have never found such a practical and yet deeply profound way to work with and ground what comes up during the journey of healing. These techniques and the science behind them goes well beyond what most practices offer in this day and age.

In these interactive sessions, working with Kriya and meditation tools we are able assist in supporting your body, mind and spirit to heal deeply well beyond the physical body. These techniques are able to assist the body with various conditions, such as anxiety, stress, depression, nervousness, confidence issues, asthma, etc 

The techniques used are based from the Himalayan Kundalini lineage and are just as important and valid in today’s busy lifestyle as they were when they were initially created thousands of years ago. 


"Adele is a truly gifted healer, one that enables you to connect with the truth of who you are, which in turn, ignites your innate ability to heal yourself.  A powerful and pure conduit of Light, she taps into dimensions past the time/space continuum, connecting to the astral realm, calling in Divine Light Beings to support you as you unearth and release that which is not serving your highest good. She is a beautiful light worker and all who have the fortune to work with her are blessed. Thank you, Beloved Sister."

Pennie - USA

"My experience of Adele's healing session via Skype was personal, professional and powerful. She knew how to access subtle layers of the body and extracted suppressed energy (that was holding me back) which lead to a deep healing. Her pointers after the session helped me anchor myself in my personal growth and in becoming happier, lighter and at ease with myself. A worthy investment to undertake for anyone that is searching for clarity, truth and healing."

Amit - United Kingdom

"I had a healing session with Adele recently and found her to be a beautiful Healer; holding both a grounded strength and luminous light. Her in-sight was spot on and she lovingly assisted me to return a wounded part of myself back home to the exquisite Love that she is. Deep thanks Adele! xo"

Suzy - Sydney, Australia

'Through my first ever experience with Spiritual Healing, Adele was able to provide me with incredible insight and assistance for internal struggles that I was going through but hadn't previously been able to acknowledge or address. Her 'distant healing session' provided me with a much needed sense of calm. It granted me renewed inner strength and I experienced newly found courage. She has such a beautiful gift with her ability to uncover internal affliction and provide healing, renewal and inner balance.'

Aimee - Australia   (Distant Healing Session)



Soul Healing Sessions

Described as above


Distance Healing Session

1 hour session conducted remotely, you will receive a write up of the healing with any information that can assist and support you further.


Sattva Yoga

This is a one on one interactive session. Working with your presenting issue, symptom or challenge, we will use various techniques to assist your body, mind and spirit to re-balance and realign itself back into a state of Yoga (Union).

If you have any enquires, please do not hesitate to contact me on the form below.

Get in Touch

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